June 2015

Friday (6/5/15):
Fourth and Fifth grade celebrated their last day of Computer Lab, by:
  • checking their final inventory of badges (badges earned determines if they have earned a party/privilege of visiting pre-approved web pages)
  • visiting pre-approved web pages.
Kindergarten, First, Second, and Third grades celebrated their last day of school by visiting Fort Frontier and having a picnic!

Thursday (6/4/15):
Fourth and Fifth grade sharpened math skills with the following web pages:

  • http://www.interactivestuff.org/sums4fun/buildbug.html
  • http://www.mathplayground.com/ASB_Canoe_Penguins.html
  • http://www.free-training-tutorial.com/math-games/division-fruit-shoot.html?1&
  • http://www.mathnook.com/math/babybudget.html

Kindergarten, First, Second, and Third grades enjoyed a field day from 9:30 a.m. to dismissal, at the High School Football Field.

Wednesday (6/3/15):
Fifth grade viewed web safety instruction and then took a quiz, demonstrating their understanding.
Fourth grade worked on links designed to reinforce their understanding of U.S. capitals and states.
Third grade celebrated their last day in computer lab by visiting pre-approved web sites.

Kindergarten, first, and second grade:
Since this was their last "formal" day as a music class, students were given the opportunity to request songs/activities that we had done previously.

Tuesday (6/2/15):
Fifth grade worked to begin "Google Classroom." They accessed their accounts. They viewed an assignment.
Students earned Dojo points and were able to go to pre-approved web pages at the end of class.
Fourth grade worked on sites reinforcing their understanding of Currency. The sites below gave extra practice:
Third grade worked on a Listening Lesson about flute and reeds. The differentiated between instruments with the sites below:
Second grade:Did these web pages, and then played the game below.

Telephone: This game is one in which most people end up laughing quite a bit, so if you're in the mood for silliness, give it a go. Players sit in a circle. One person thinks up a sentence or phrase and whispers it to the next person. That person repeats it to the person on their other side. This continues around the circle. When it finally reaches the last person, that person says the sentence out loud. Hilarity ensues. The ending sentence is usually quite changed from the beginning sentence, since errors tend to compound as they go around the circle.
First grade:
1. Arrange everyone into a circle. One person is it (in the middle). "It" wants to sit down, but has to figure out who is squeezing who's hand.
2. Explain the rules:
  1. When someone squeezes your hand, your pass the "current" or "beat" by squeezing the next person's hand.
  2. Try and be sneaky about squeezing so "it" doesn't see you squeeze.
  3. If "it" guesses you and you did it, you're it.
London Bridge requires an adult to lead the singing. Two adults or the two tallest children form an arch with their hands while the rest of the children make a line with their hands on each other's waists. The line proceeds under 'London Bridge' while singing:
    London Bridge is falling down
    Falling down, falling down
    London Bridge is falling down
    My Fair Lady!
On the word "Lady", the arms of the bridge collapse and trap any player who is passing under at that time. The player is swung back and forth while everyone sings:
    Off to prison you must go
    You must go, you must go
    Off to prison you must go
    My Fair Lady!

The prisoner stands behind one side of the bridge and the game continues, with prisoners going to alternate sides of the bridge. When the last player is is caught, the two sides then have a tug of war. Players on each side hold the waist of the person in front, with the two arches of London Bridge holding hands until the bridge falls down!

Musical Ball doesn't really have anything to do with a musical ball! The children sit in a circle, facing inwards. A ball is passed from child to child as the music plays. Children must pass (not throw) the ball. When the music stops, the child left holding the ball is out and leaves the circle, which moves in to close up the gap. (use songs on iPad apps)

Kids love to move, and the "Freeze" Dance is a great way to combine valuable exercise with music.
Also called Musical Statues, this activity involves dancing until the music stops abruptly. When the music is off, the child must "freeze" in place. The dancing resumes when the music starts up again. You can use a portable stereo or play a guitar.
At an early age, children are able to discern beat and rhythm in music, creating a strong urge to get up and dance!

Monday (6/1/15):
Fifth grade worked on their videos, and commented on their peer's works. After earning Class Dojo points, students were able to go to approved web sites.
Fourth grade sharpened their math skills with the following Placement value sites:
Third grade worked to edit a spreadsheet:
    • insert a chart
    • formatted chart
    • observed the relationship between data and the chart
    Second grade sang:
    • You're a Grand Old Flag
    • Once An Austrian Was Yodeling
    • 50 Nifty United States
    • Capitals of U.S.
    First grade:
    Pass the Stick
    Where it stops, nobody knows!
    To play this game, you'll need a stick.
    You'll also need to learn this rhyme:
    Pass the Stick is the name
    Now it's time to play the game
    Better go fast as you can
    So it touches everybody's hand
    S-T-I-C-K spells stick!
    1. Players sit in a circle.
    2. Players pass the stick around the circle while saying the rhyme.
    3. The person left holding the stick at the end of the rhyme is out.
    4. Keep going until there is only one person left.
    5. That person is the winner!
    Kindergarten sang London Bridge requires an adult to lead the singing. Two adults or the two tallest children form an arch with their hands while the rest of the children make a line with their hands on each other's waists. The line proceeds under 'London Bridge' while singing:
      London Bridge is falling down
      Falling down, falling down
      London Bridge is falling down
      My Fair Lady!
    On the word "Lady", the arms of the bridge collapse and trap any player who is passing under at that time. The player is swung back and forth while everyone sings:
      Off to prison you must go
      You must go, you must go
      Off to prison you must go
      My Fair Lady!

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